Discord Revenue, Active Users & Usage 2024

Founded in 2015, Discord is an instant messaging social platform. It was ready to compete with two popular apps, i.e., Skype and TeamSpeak. 

As neither of these two apps was excellent, Discord quickly generated a large amount of traffic and praise. But it led to several crashes because it couldn’t meet the demand.  

Discord is mainly used by people who support audio, play computer games, or for written communications. Additionally, it helps in making video calls and lets you broadcast. 

Presently Discord has 150 million MAUs. Although the platform is used more for gaming, the makers are trying to increase the coverage to compete with Slack and Microsoft Teams. 

Scroll down to know about Discord’s revenue and usage statistics. 

Discord Key Statistics 

The overwhelming demand for Discord has led to several crashes, but is it worth the hype? 

Well, the statistics of Discord are a good indication that the platform can smoothly offer voice, video, and text communication services. Over the years, its monthly user base has increased, making it popular. 

Here’s a sneak peek into Discord’s key statistics: 

  • In the year 2020, Discord generated $130 million in revenue. It’s a 188% increase year-on-year. 
  • Most of Discord’s revenue comes from the premium plan, Nitro. 
  • Discord has maintained its popularity with 140 million active users. 
  • In 2021, Discord’s valuation doubled to $15 billion. 
  • On average, US users spend 5 hours on Discord. 

Discord Overview 

  • Launch Date: 13 May 2015
  • Headquarters: San Francisco, California 
  • People: Jason Citron, Stanislav Vishneshkiy 
  • Business Type: Private 
  • Industry: Communication 

Discord Revenue 

While Discord has spent so much time creating new ways for monetization, it has successfully generated a good amount with its clear revenue strategy. 

In the year 2020, Discord increased its revenue by 188%. In 2021, the company generated 300 million in revenue.

Discord Annual Revenue ($mm)

Year Revenue ($mm)

With Discord offering the best services, its annual revenue is expected to increase over the years. Additionally, the popularity of this platform will rise. 

Discord Users 

The number of Discord monthly users will increase from 140 million in 2021 to 150 million in 2022. It’s a good sign, indicating that the platform is still popular. 

Discord Annual Monthly Active Users (mm)

Discord Annual Monthly Active Users (mm)

Year Monthly Active Users (mm)

Discord Daily Active Users 

In 2019, the daily active user count of Discord was 14 million. But in 2022, the number of daily users had decreased to 13 million. 

Discord Annual Daily Active Users (mm)

Discord Annual Daily Active Users (mm)

Year Annual Daily Active Users (mm)

Over the years, the number of Discord daily users has decreased, but the platform is still profitable. 

Discord Peak Concurrent Users

As of 2020, Discord’s peak concurrent users have been reported to be 10.6 million. The stat has not been updated ever since. 

Discord Annual Peak Concurrent Users (mm)

Discord Annual Peak Concurrent Users (mm)

Year Concurrent Users (mm)
20188.2 million
202010.6 million 

Discord Registered Users

As of 2022, Discord has reached over 300 million registered users, out of which only 150 million are active.  

Discord Annual Registered Users (mm)

Discord Annual Registered Users (mm)

Year Users (mm)

Discord Active Servers 

By 2022, Discord’s active servers have crossed the 13.5 million mark. The platform marked its largest expansion in 2021, when it jumped from 6.7 to 13.5 million. 

Discord Active Servers 

Discord Active Servers (mm)

Year Servers (mm)

Discord Valuation | Is discord Profitable?

Most recently, in 2021, Discord had a valuation of $15 million. It was double the valuation noted in 2020.

Discord Valuation ($bn)

Discord Valuation ($bn)

Year Valuation ($bn)

Discord Funding

After its launch, Discord has received a total of $1 billion in funding. Half of the funding came directly from Series H in 2021. 

Discord Cumulative Funding ($mm)

Discord Cumulative Funding ($mm)

Year Funding ($mm)

Discord FAQ

Ques: How many messages are sent through Discord globally? 

Ans: Globally, Discord is responsible for sending 25 billion messages in a month. 

Ques: How many conversions take place on Discord?

Ans: Each day, four million minutes of conversation take place on Discord. 

Ques: What is Discord’s largest server? 

Ans: Discord’s largest server is believed to be Fortnite, with 571,000 members. Second on the list is Minecraft, with slightly less members. 

Ques: How many paid users does Discord have?

Ans: About 1 million people have subscribed to Discord’s premium plan, and the valuation is $120 million. 

Ques: How many users pay for Discord’s service? 

Ans: Most of the services on Discord are free, but a few users pay money to avail of extra features. On average, 0.67% of people pay for the service.

Ques: What are Discord demographics? 

Ans: The Discord platform has a major male influence, with 65.5% male and 34.5% female users. Most users are between 16 to 20 years of age. 

Ques: Which country has the most Discord users? 

Ans: The USA is believed to have the largest number of Discord users, followed by Canada, the UK, Germany, and France. The platform is entirely banned in China. 

Orvill Samanta
Orvill Samanta

An app marketer with over 6 years of experience in the tech industry. I have developed a strong passion for apps and love to create engaging and informative content around it. When not talking about marketing, I binge-watch anime series and read comic books. My keen eye for technology has helped me captivate my audience and increase engagement with my work.